There are multiple opportunities throughout the year for businesses to sponsor events happening with the Alaska Youth Choir. Sponsors can enjoy the visibility they will receive, and they can also appreciate the goodwill they generate by supporting our world-renowned arts organization.
Program Book AdsAds for AYC's concert program books are available. Reach local patrons while supporting AYC. Download Ad Order Form Here |
Tour Dinner - No Tour is planned for 2023-2024 year.During years that our choristers travel on Tour AYC hosts a Tour Dinner. We offer silent and live auctions, performances by our Touring Choristers and more. If you are interested in donating an item for Auction or purchasing tickets to the event please contact the AYC office at 907-789-1941 or [email protected]
Sponsor Benefits
Soprano ~ for those who sponsor $1000 and above Soprano Sponsors will receive:
2 tickets to our annual Tour Dinner Fundraiser and to all four annual concerts
Advertising on our posters, programs (full page ad) and on our website (website to include a link to your website)
Alto ~ for those who sponsor $500- $999. Alto Sponsors will receive:
2 tickets to two of our 4 annual concerts
Advertising in our programs (1/2 page ad) and on our website
Bass ~ for those who sponsor $250 – $499. Bass Sponsors will receive:
2 tickets to one of our 4 annual concerts
Advertising in our programs (1/4 page ad) and listed on website
Friends ~ for those who donate up to $249. Friends will be:
Listed in programs
Listed on website
2 tickets to our annual Tour Dinner Fundraiser and to all four annual concerts
Advertising on our posters, programs (full page ad) and on our website (website to include a link to your website)
Alto ~ for those who sponsor $500- $999. Alto Sponsors will receive:
2 tickets to two of our 4 annual concerts
Advertising in our programs (1/2 page ad) and on our website
Bass ~ for those who sponsor $250 – $499. Bass Sponsors will receive:
2 tickets to one of our 4 annual concerts
Advertising in our programs (1/4 page ad) and listed on website
Friends ~ for those who donate up to $249. Friends will be:
Listed in programs
Listed on website